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TeamBirth Recognized Site


Northeastern Health System is pleased to announce our achievement of

TeamBirth Recognition. This recognition is a testament to the dedication of our staff and

leadership to ensuring that every patient’s voice is heard throughout the birth experience.

We implemented TeamBirth to optimize teamwork and communication before, during, and after labor and delivery. Through structured huddles and a shared planning board, TeamBirth empowers patients, their support people, and their clinicians to reach care decisions together. The result is more dignified, respectful care that gives patients the role that they want. TeamBirth was developed by the Delivery Decisions Initiative at Ariadne Labs, a joint center for health systems innovation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, MA.

The Recognition program aims to honor hospital sites that center patient autonomy and

dignity throughout the birthing process with a sustained TeamBirth practice. Recognition is

achieved when a site attests to core components of TeamBirth, submits results from an

observed huddle, and demonstrates ongoing commitment to TeamBirth through an

engagement activity.

“TeamBirth provides a standard structure of communication that occurs among people giving

birth, their families, and their health care professionals,” said Amber Weiseth, DNP, MSN,

RNC-OB, Director of the Delivery Decisions Initiative at Ariadne Labs. “We're so encouraged by

Northeastern Health System’s leadership and staff for this ongoing commitment to ensure that every

patient has a voice in the decisions made throughout their birthing process."

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